Wednesday, August 15, 2012

let's say this for the day...

I am trying to enjoy each of these stages we are going through, honestly I am -but today, I'm kind of over these "terrible two's" and he isn't even two yet. (
*L. Pirate trying to help me wipe him during the diaper change = poop all over the place.
*L. Pirate trying to do it himself = juice all over my floor.
*L. Pirate not being able to tell me what he wants = tantrum extraordinaire.


In other news, it's not even eleven and my kitchen is clean and my kitchen and dining room have been mopped and load number 2 is in the washer. Go me.



Cara said...

Good on you for getting so much housework done.

As for the Pirate? I have no real answers but I can totally relate to these woes. Tantrums and everything that come with them are awful. It will pass...and while you're going through it? Just know you're not alone.

Laurie said...

Yeah, you're definitely not alone!!! I don't know what to say... Except maybe trade off with someone every once in a while? You can handle two of them when you know you won't have any for a few hours another day! :D

Amy said...

Yes... GO YOU!!!

Amy said...

Yes... GO YOU!!!