Wednesday, June 9, 2010

today's mantras:

yes i can. yes i can. yes i can. yes i can.

my body is the instrument of my mind. my body is the instrument of my mind.

don't give energy to the pain. don't give energy to the pain. don't give energy to the pain.

faith not fear. faith not fear. faith not fear.

In other news...

The craft I'm working on might actually turn out kinda cute. I'm only 1/3 done though... so it'll be a few days before you can see it.


Erin said...

Yes you can, yes you can!

Practice humming too. It helped me.

Momza said...

You can do this
You can do this
You can do this

Heidi said...


Dione said...

Remind us of your due date again... And how is the baby naming ideas going? Oh, I'm so excited for you!

You can, and you will!