Wednesday, September 5, 2012

marks of motherhood

I decided to take a bath tonight, and while I was soaking, I noticed my stretch marks. Luckily, they are few in number  and small(ish) in size. I traced my finger over them and remembered back to the days when all I wanted was to be a mother. I guess in a way I'm back in that same boat, I want a baby so badly, but this time 'round I've got a (semi)baby to hug and kiss while I wait. It makes gratitude a bit easier. Anyhow, I was looking at those scars and thinking how much I love them. They are proof that I am a mother. And it got me thinking about the nail prints in the hands and feet of my Savior & how this calling to raise a child brings me so much closer to Him. Surely the love a parent has for their child is the closest thing to God's perfect love that we mortals can hope to have. Surely this love is leaving marks of motherhood on my heart.


Momza said...

Our sacrifices always show somewhere, don't they? You wear yours so well.

Aunt Merrilee said...

I love to read your posts. You write so well. I know exactly what you mean when I am through reading. I love you and your sweet family. I pray everyday for you to get pregnant SOON!!!

Jenny Lynn said...

You have me re-thinking how I view my stretch marks. I have disliked them for a long time. But, as you compare them to the Savior's nail prints. I can see how they are all a reminder of each of my children's remarkable birth. Three of which I was told I would never have.