Saturday, September 7, 2013

emily and james

Every night when I tuck him in Little Pirate asks me to "lay for a minute." So I lay down next to him, and sing him a song, and tell him how loved he is before I go. Last night when I was laying for a minute, he told me, "I smashed Emily."

Emily is one of Thomas the Tank Engine's friends, but we don't have that particular train-car. Earlier in the evening though, he smashed his hand. I was confused, so I said, "What?"

He said, "I smashed Emily. My finger."

He names his fingers? "Do you name your fingers?" I asked.

"Yes." He said, like Of course I name my fingers, don't you?

"Who is this?" I touch his hand.

"They're my friends." He tells me.

Hubs and I had a little laugh over it, and agreed we really need to work a bit harder at finding our kid some real friends.

Then this morning, Pirate was laying in my bed, and I brought it up again. This is what I found. His left hand is named Emily and his right hand is named James. So I grabbed his foot and asked "Who is this?" and he said, "That's a foot." Then he laughed with me and said, "It's Thomas." So I picked up his other foot. He says, "That's Thomas too." I said, "Two Thomases?" and he says, "Yep! And the puffed away!" Then he slid his feet under the pillow and laughed.

This kid is hilarious.

And we seriously need to get him some real friends.


Laurie said...

I love 3 year olds!!!! (Or almost 3 year olds!) ;)

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

So completely cute:) I LOVE those imaginative moments.