Monday, February 10, 2014

row, row, row your boat...

We are 10 days into February, and that is so happy. This has been the longest, coldest, snowiest winter of my lifetime. It has completely redefined winter for me. And I am so ready for it to be over! And yes, it's still only February (as Hubs reminded me this morning) and I can anticipate snowy cold conditions for another two and half months at least... I'm still feeling the promise and hope of Spring.

Plus, I've got so many things lined up on my calendar this month, it's going to be impossible for this month to not fly by.

Switching gears here:

This weekend Pirate and I had a play date at an indoor pool play place with R. and his mom. R. is our neighbor's grandson and Pirate's best friend here. They play so cute together and the two hours in the water passed so quickly! Then we took them out to "Chicken-Flay" for lunch and let them play some more. It was a really fun day for them, and he needed it. We've been cooped up for so, so long.

I also found a Doula this weekend. Yay! Another major, baby-prep thing crossed off the list.

Up this week: Valentines Day.

Today we've got some cards to make and mail. So... I'm on that. Right now.


Laurie said...

Chicken Flay. I love it! My mom calls it Chick-a-fil and it cracks me up EVERY time!!

I can't even imagine what winter is like for you! Makes you appreciate the sun!

Momza said...

Yea! for finding a doula!! Hugs to you and your boys! Love you!