Thursday, May 5, 2011

my road to motherhood part 3

The day the EPT showed two pink lines, I ran it across the house to show Hubby. He laughed and I cried and we thought we'd burst with joy. The excitement only doubled when we found out that my sister-in-law was due on the exact same date.

I had some early spotting, which concerned me. The doctor's office did an ultrasound, and we watched the little bean's heart beat. The blood work showed that everything was normal. They told me to just relax and be excited.

Nine weeks later I miscarried.

I was devastated. We were devastated.

The following Mother's Day this is how I was feeling.

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

I love how you are posting these again! We often forget how precious motherhood is and how lucky we are to experience it.